2025 Annual Conference
Workshops in San Juan, Puerto Rico
January 8-11, 2025
In collaboration with the Southern Political Science Association (SPSA) we are offering several professional development workshops at the SPSA's 2025 Annual Conference in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
Choose from workshops in any of the following three areas*:
Get ready to join us in person in San Juan, Puerto Rico in 2025.
Update your KiND profile and contact information so that we can stay in touch:
*all workshops can be taken either within or outside of the KiND/SPSA Professional Development Certificate program.
Research Methods
The Basics of Longitudinal Data and Trend Analyses
Dr. Piotr Modzelewski
January 9th, 2025
9:30am - 1:50pm (AST)
This workshop will introduce participants to the basics of assembling longitudinal cross-sample and within-sample panel datasets as well as how to conduct trend analyses using STATA. It is designed for social scientists who wish to conduct longitudinal data analyses either as a core component of their projects or as a complementary component to their ongoing research. The session will explore the key differences between types of longitudinal data and the key theoretical concepts that are core to conducting analyses of these types of data, including fixed and random effects, time variables, and the utility of multilevel modelling in trend analyses.
The session will cover the most important considerations involved in creating a cross-time single sample panel as well as explore the core practical skills required to merge, clean, and assemble repeated cross-sample data. During this workshop, participants will generate a new dataset, drawing on existing sources. They will also be introduced to the basics of running trend analyses on these data.
All exercises and sample analyses will be done using STATA, providing participants with important introductory skills and the sample coding that they will need to start applying these techniques in their own projects. Visit the workshop details page for information on how to download and install a temporary STATA license: https://www.kindinstitute.net/workshop-outlines/modzelewski-january-2025
Foundations of Machine Learning: Applications in the Social Sciences
Dr. Jeff Gill
January 9th, 2025
2:00pm - 6:20pm (AST)
In this workshop, Dr. Gill will walk participants through the foundations of machine learning and its relevant applications in the social sciences. He will outline how machine learning can be employed to handle big data and introduce you to some of the basic tools one would need to get started, including some of the many data sources from which social scientists might wish to pull data. He will explore the key ethical matters that must be considered, the regulatory frameworks currently in place that limit acquisition and use of data, and some of the ways in which data science through machine learning can help contribute to positive societal changes.
Data Coding in Qualitative Research
Prof. Jo Crotty
January 10th, 2025
11:00am - 1:50pm (AST)
In this workshop, Prof. Crotty will walk participants through various approaches to coding qualitative data. She will outline the difference between deductive and inductive coding approaches, as well as guide participants step-by-step through the data collection process leading up to the coding and analysis phase. This workshop will focus mainly on data collected through semi-structured interviews but will offer some discussion of other types of data collection methods as well.
Participants will have the opportunity to conduct a sample semi-structured interview, generate a dataset based on this interview, as well as begin analyzing the data. They will have a chance to discuss their experiences of conducting the interview and coding the data, working through the limitations and benefits of different coding approaches and how they apply in different contexts.
Focus Groups for the Social Sciences
Dr. Lea Sgier
January 10th, 2025
2:00pm - 6:20pm (AST)
Focus groups, traditionally used in market research, have become increasingly popular across the social sciences in the last two decades. Today, they are widely used for qualitative data collection both in academic and applied research (such as evaluation research). With the COVID pandemic, they have been adapted (with some success) for online use. In political science and international relations too, focus groups are particularly useful for research that examines everyday narratives and micro-level experiences and beliefs of "ordinary" citizens and for policy research (Stanley 2016, Cyr 2019). They can also be useful for exploratory research aiming to generate hypotheses or categories (including as part of mixed methods designs, for example a subsequent survey research).
This workshop is a short introduction to the method: its logic, key steps, uses and difficulties. By the end of the workshop, participants should have a good idea of what focus groups are and what they can be used for.
Introduction to Discourse Analysis
Dr. Lea Sgier
January 11th, 2025
9:30am - 1:50pm (AST)
This workshop will introduce participants to the basics of social science discourse analysis (and similar approaches such as narrative analysis), i.e. to a family of (interpretive) approaches that emphasise the constructed nature of the social and the importance of struggles for interpretive hegemony for the definition of social and political “realities”.
It starts with a brief introduction to the theoretical and epistemological bases of (poststructuralist) discourses analysis, then moves on to practical exercises whose aim is to illustrate how discourse analytical research is concretely done. These exercises will also raise issues such as validity criteria, the nature and limits of interpretation, and how to write up this type of research convincingly. Finally, participants will have an opportunity to briefly consider various “schools” of discourse analysis and discuss the usefulness of discourse analytical work for various disciplines.
Women in Leadership: In the Field and in the Academy
Prof. Jo Crotty
January 9th, 2025
2:00pm - 4:50pm (AST)
This workshop, led by Professor Jo Crotty, is designed to help participants unpack and overcome some of the many challenges that women, and members of other underrepresented groups, face when seeking out and carrying out leadership positions. It will provide tools and strategies for participants to employ when striving to achieve a leadership position: whether seeking to become thought leaders in their field of expertise, rising to a leadership role in their organization, or looking to improve on the skills they already employ as experts and administrators. Prof. Crotty will draw on her unique experiences as a female researcher and expert, conducting field research in a male-centric society, as well as working within the academy and rising to important roles in politics and in her various academic posts.
This workshop will be beneficial to women and individuals from other underrepresented groups looking to do field work in challenging situations, attempting to become thought leaders in their field, or seeking to advance their careers, rise to new leadership positions, or improve their skills as current leaders.
Embedded Research: Setting up and Executing a Project
Dr. Thomas Bryer
January 9th, 2025
9:30am - 1:50pm (AST)
Embedded research projects can be beneficial not only for the researchers involved in the project, providing them with rich and meaningful data, but also for the communities within which these projects are carried out. In this workshop, Dr. Bryer will take participants through the steps involved in planning out and launching an embedded research project within community or government organizations. He will discuss the various ways in which both researchers and organization members can work together to build the project, collect important data, and utilize these data in a way that can be mutually beneficial for achieving positive outcomes for the organization as well as for advancing knowledge.
As part of this workshop, participants will plan their own embedded research project, work through a mock project outline and plan, identify potential partner organizations, determine their desired community impact, and formulate a realistic list of project targets to “pitch” to potential organizations.
Academic Success: Unpacking the graduate experience for students and advisors
Dr. Diana Gustafson
January 10th, 2025
9:30am - 1:50pm (AST)
The graduate journey can be a transformative yet challenging experience. This workshop is designed for graduate students as well as for advisors seeking to support their students through the complexities of academia. The goal is to develop a clearer roadmap for navigating the graduate school experience with purpose, confidence, and strategies for thriving personally and professionally.
The session will begin with an exercise to unpack participants’ hopes and goals for graduate school. Dr. Gustafson will discuss the roles, responsibilities, and sometimes competing perspectives of graduate students, advisors, and institutions. insights will help participants better understand how graduate students are perceived within the academic ecosystem and the barriers and facilitators of academic success. Discussions will draw on research about academic success but remain grounded in shared participant experiences. The focus will be on identifying opportunities and using available resources, building relationships, managing expectations and challenges, and nurturing resilience and well-being when things don’t go as planned.
Writing an Evidence-Based Op-Ed
Dr. Diana L. Gustafson
January 11th, 2025
9:30am - 1:50pm (AST)
Do you have some fresh new research findings that you want to get out into the world? Have a strongly held opinion about a hot-button issue? Or have a journal article or book chapter that you want to convert for public consumption? The goal of this interactive writing workshop is to provide you with the know-how to put fingers to keyboard and write a thoughtful, evidence-based op-ed. As a post-workshop bonus, participants will be offered comments on an op-ed of their choice.
Come prepared to apply practical strategies for turning a theme, topic, or event of interest into a draft before exchanging feedback with a peer. We’ll review published examples to identify the purpose and key features of an informed, evidence-based op-ed. Hands-on activities will assist you in evaluating the clarity of your main point, the power of your opening hook, and the quality of the evidence supporting your argument. We’ll pay special attention to the scaffolding of your argument and the strength and persuasiveness of your authorial voice for your target audience.