Journal editors and reviewers are seeking well-written, articles that focus on significant research of interest to their readership. As a researcher, this means you must hook the reader’s attention and report a single message derived from a solid research project that contributes to the scholarly conversation. This workshop uses a widely-cited political science article to illustrate the essential elements that constitute a solid research paper. You will engage with other participants in revising and providing feedback on select sections of your draft manuscript.
Telling A Scholarly Story
Reviewing essential elements
Pointing to the gap in the literature
Reporting on the methods (what you did and why you did it)
Describing and explaining the findings
Bringing your results into conversation with existing literature
Illustrating how your research addresses a gap in knowledge
Refining the Introduction and Conclusion
Hooking the reader
Clarifying your key message
Identifying theoretical, practical, or policy implications
Recommending next steps
Title, Abstract, and Keywords
Knowing your audience
Addressing style and format
Building Your Revision Toolkit
Revise, share, critique, repeat
Audience & Prerequisites
This workshop is intended for new and emerging scholars seeking support with structuring and refining a journal article. You will be introduced to fundamental elements that editors, reviewers, and readers expect to see in a solid research article that addresses a gap in the existing literature.