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Refining your Manuscript

January 13th, 2024

9:30am - 1:50pm (CST)

Location: Churchill A1


Dr. Diana L. Gustafson

Author and Honorary Research Professor, Faculty of Medicine, Memorial University

Find important conference information here:


Journal editors and reviewers are seeking well-written, articles that focus on significant research of interest to their readership. As a researcher, this means you must hook the reader’s attention and report a single message derived from a solid research project that contributes to the scholarly conversation. This workshop uses a widely-cited political science article to illustrate the essential elements that constitute a solid research paper. You will engage with other participants in revising and providing feedback on select sections of your draft manuscript.


Telling A Scholarly Story

  • Reviewing essential elements

  • Pointing to the gap in the literature

  • Reporting on the methods (what you did and why you did it)

  • Describing and explaining the findings

  • Bringing your results into conversation with existing literature

  • Illustrating how your research addresses a gap in knowledge


Refining the Introduction and Conclusion

  • Hooking the reader

  • Clarifying your key message

  • Identifying theoretical, practical, or policy implications

  • Recommending next steps


Title, Abstract, and Keywords

  • Knowing your audience

  • Addressing style and format


Building Your Revision Toolkit

  • Revise, share, critique, repeat


Audience & Prerequisites

This workshop is intended for new and emerging scholars seeking support with structuring and refining a journal article. You will be introduced to fundamental elements that editors, reviewers, and readers expect to see in a solid research article that addresses a gap in the existing literature.


Certificate Credits:


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